Construction Safety: Why Is It Important?

In construction safety, basic measures most companies take in evaluating and controlling construction hazards are through written safety & health plans. These plans, typically designed to address site-specific construction hazards, then become an integral part of a company’s safety & health program. Implementing a written plan to address identified hazards in the workplace is a crucial step to bring awareness to employees, reference applicable Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) construction regulations, prevent accidents, and drive a company culture that prioritizes safety.

Key Safety & Health Programs

Important safety & health programs, designed to address and control safety hazards facing construction workers, include:

  Accident Investigation   Hot Work

  Bloodborne Pathogens   Housekeeping

  Compressed Gas Safety   Job Safety Analysis

  Confined Spaces Jobsite Safety Field Manuals

  Cranes & Derricks in Construction   Lockout/Tagout

  Electrical Safety   Overhead Cranes

  Emergency Action Plan & Fire Safety PPE

  Ergonomics   Powered Industrial Trucks & Forklift Safety

  Fall Protection    Respiratory Protection

Silica/Lead/Hexavalent Chromium/Asbestos Awareness

  First Aid, Hazard Communication

Hearing Conservation    

  Heavy Equipment Safety   Trenching & Excavation

OSHA Construction Standard: Employer Responsibilities

An OSHA Construction Safety Standard is a legal requirement that employers must follow to minimize employee risk of injury or illness in the performance of work. Adherence to OSHA standards protects workers from fatal hazards and health risks. The Construction Standard, found in 29 CFR 1926, addresses some of the more prominent employer responsibilities regarding safety and health of employees in the construction industry – including:

  • Ensure employees are adequately trained/experienced to operate equipment/machinery.
  • Ensure first aid services/medical provisions are available.
  • Provide and require wearing of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) in operations where hazardous conditions are present.
  • Ensure harmful debris – such as scrap lumber, protruding nails, etc. – is cleared from work areas and walkways during construction.
  • Ensure adequate illumination in walking-working areas where work is in progress.
  • Ensure access to PPE for excessive noise exposure, where necessary.
  • Provide fall protection – such as guardrails, safety nets, safety harnesses – to employees working at heights of six feet or more.
  • Develop and consistently implement effective fire protection/ prevention program throughout construction/demolition projects.
  • Ensure all electrical equipment used at job sites is safe/free from recognized hazards.
  • Ensure that pressure vessels/boilers have current, valid certification from insurance company or regulatory authority.

Aids to Compliance

To enhance their efforts to comply with the OSHA construction standard, employers can implement a variety of aids to that promote compliance and influence employee behavior. Some of the more popular approaches are:

Develop an Effective Safety & Health Policy — Senior management should create a safety & health policy with clear objectives – indicating the basic health and safety philosophy of the organization. This policy should include the site-specific, written safety & health programs mentioned above.

Enable Frontline Workers to Respond Proactively – OSHA standards can be easily met when organizations empower frontline workers to mitigate health and safety risks at the onset. Before commencing work, site supervisors should regularly conduct an OSHA Toolbox meeting for workers to be aware or reminded of job    hazards, best practices, and preventive measures. Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) managers should implement real-time Incident Reporting through mobile-ready OSHA 300 forms to identify leading indicators to safe performance. Establishing an adaptive work environment allows employees to take greater ownership of occupational health and safety for themselves and their co-workers.

Maximize Use of Cost-Effective Digital Tools Time can be saved by replacing paper-based incident reporting/recordkeeping with powerful software tools. Proper recordkeeping and documentation of safety & health programs are critical in substantiating compliance with OSHA standards.

Celebrate Wins to Boost MotivationEHS managers should recognize safe and on-time performance – facilitating peer-to-peer observations, providing informal feedback, and engaging in follow-up discussions – to further encourage and support safe behavior among employees. Consistent hazard prevention, prompt incident reporting, proactive  response to safety issues, and appropriate solutions to recurrent problems should also be rewarded.

Stay Updated by Consulting the OSHA Webpage Regularly Maintaining compliance with OSHA standards entails the commitment of the organization, its management, and all employees to prioritize health and safety. OSHA’s FAQs (at provide up-to-date releases/revisions of OSHA standards – such as the final rule to improve tracking workplace injuries and illnesses, new training requirements, and compliance audit schedules.

Safety Training — Employers are responsible for providing workers with the knowledge and skills required to perform all work-related tasks while ensuring their safety. While educating and training all workers to follow OSHA’s standards, employers must provide safety training in a language and vocabulary workers can understand.

HETI…Helping Evaluate and Control Construction Hazards

HETI can assist facilities facing the challenges discussed in this newsletter through an assessment of health and safety hazards and compliance with the OSHA Construction Standard. Our experienced industrial hygienists and safety professionals can provide a workplace evaluation for construction-related hazards – recommending appropriate and feasible solutions to control them. If hazard control methods are already in place, HETI can conduct an assessment to document their effectiveness.


  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Department of Labor, 29 CFR 1926 OSHA Construction Standard:
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration Website, Standards, Enforcement, Topics, Help and Resources:

The Rise And Rise Of Firestopping

Firestopping devices are forms of passive fire protection used to seal the openings or passages in fireproof floors, walls, or ceilings and to impede the spread of flames, smoke and toxic gases. A firestop device fills the holes created during the installation of communication or electricity cables, plumbing, or ventilation ducts. It contains a soft fire-retardant material (usually red) that closes the gaps between pipes, cables, ducts, holes, edges, etc.– thus blocking fire and smoke from spreading and enhancing safety for building occupants. Firestopping is currently required for top of walls, curtain walls, slab edges, joints, and pipe penetrations. Note that firestopping should not confused with fireproofing which is the spray-on product applied to building materials.

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Spray Polyurethane Foams

It’s been more than eight years since we reported on the health & safety and risk management issues related to spray polyurethane foams. So, we decided to re-visit the HETI Horizons we published in November 2013 – updating, as appropriate, based on we what we know today.

One of the cutting-edge advances in new construction was the use of spray polyurethane foam insulation for energy conservation. Although the chemistry has been around since the 1940s, the past twenty years have seen the application expand in commercial buildings and high-end homes. The use of spray foam is likely to reach $2.1 billion by 2025, with an annual growth rate of 5%.

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Small Modular Nuclear Reactors

Bring up “nuclear power” at a social gathering and you may get a few odd looks or chatter about mushroom clouds or the Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents. The promise of nuclear power as a safe and reliable power source has a somewhat uneven past, ever since the Soviets connected the first power plant to their electric grid in June 1954. Even with today’s green energy push, nuclear remains the stepchild – not quite  fitting in with wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal; but still with tremendous potential when the wind won’t blow or the sun doesn’t shine.

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EPA’s Plan To Regulate Perchlorate In Drinking Water

In April 2022, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced its final plan for regulation of perchlorate in drinking water. The plan formalizes the agency’s withdrawal of its 2011 decision to promulgate a Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for perchlorate, and announces actions that will be taken to minimize perchlorate impacts in the future. Continue Reading →

What Is Crystalline Silica? What Are The Hazards?

Crystalline silica is a common mineral found in the earth’s crust. Materials like sand, stone, concrete, and mortar contain crystalline silica. It is also used to make products such as glass, pottery, ceramics, bricks, and artificial stone. Respirable crystalline silica – very small particles at least 100 times smaller than ordinary sand found on beaches and playgrounds – is created when cutting, sawing, grinding, drilling, and crushing stone, rock, concrete, brick, block, and mortar.

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Building Design: Lessons Learned From COVID-19

For many years, offices were designed to be “open” to facilitate better internal communication. Large areas of cubicle “farms” – row after row of desks partitioned with five-foot-high walls with fabric covers – were the norm. However after leaning toward this open workplace style for quite some time, architects and building owners are now “all in” on changing that basic design due to COVID-19.

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Naturally Occurring Asbestos In The United States

In November 2021, many news outlets carried the story of the landslide in Washington state that caused elevated asbestos levels by dumping sediment containing naturally occurring asbestos (NOA) into the waterways of Swift Creek downstream from Sumas Mountain. The state’s ecology department warned that it could be especially dangerous during the summertime when the sediment dried and asbestos could be aerosolized by winds and inhaled by people visiting the area.

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